
Name Shinjuku International Exchange School
Qualifications Designated as "Appropriate School" regarding Notification regulation of the Ministry of Law
President Akira Ikeda
Principal Eiko Sato
Establishment October 2002
Fixed Number of students 216
Number of staff 7 Staff, 15 teachers (as of December 2023)
Nationalities of Students China, Russia, Vietnam, Mongolia, Nepal, Uzbekistan, Bangladesh etc
Higher Education Achievement HitotsubashiUniversity Graduate School, Meiji University Graduate School, ChuoUniversity Graduate School,SenshuUniversity Graduate School, ObirinUniversity Graduate School, J. F. Oberlin University Graduate School,TakushokuUniversity Graduate School,Yokohama National University, WasedaUniversity,Tokyo University of Science, Meiji University, Chuo University,Takushoku University, Teikyo University, Tokai University,

Tokyo International Business College
Waseda-BunriCollege of Arts & Sciences
Japan Electronics College
Address 1-22-25 Hyakunin-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 〒169-0073
Tel 03-5348-6591
Fax 03-5348-6592